Analyst / Programmer pretty much accurately described the role, I was responsible for understanding the business process and information requirements, eliciting system specifications, designing the system as well as implementation and test. Come to think of it I did a fair bit of the deployment / system admin type activities also!
You still see Analyst / Programmer role descriptions appearing in Job Sites, but a big proportion of organisations have separated business analysis from development / implementation. I believe this is just a reflection of the general trend in the industry towards role specialisation. hence Data Architects, Security Architects, ERP Module Consultants etc etc.
I believe one of the problems with the Business Analyst role is that organisations sometimes do not put a clear definition of what the role is and how it bridges the business / systems divide. In my experience, a lot of Analysts have strong business or domain backgrounds but very little systems development experience. Also, a lot of Analysts I've come across in projects do not have any formal systems analysis / method training or experience, e.g. RUP / UML / SSADM / Yourdon etc. I'm not saying formal systems analysis is a sliver bullet, but having strong skills and experience in systems analysis helps to elicit a business problems into a system definition.
What can happen in delivery projects is a 'gap' can grow between the 'technically orientated' development team and the business analyst community. It can end up in Developers rejecting requirements for being too poor and vague, and Business Analysts getting frustrated that the system is not meeting the customer need. Lack of implementation / design detail in the requirements usually ends up with Developers making design assumptions in the code which can often turn out to be incorrect. Business Analysts, in some cases, can often end up being no more than proxies to the stakeholders.
The IS industry is littered with myths, and one of these that particularly annoys me is that statement that "techies" can't / won't / don't talk to the business, customers and end users. I will admit that people who go into Software Development and Programming do so because they are attracted by creativity of software and the technical aspects, but I've not yet come across a Developer who can't face off to the business if he's given the chance. I believe this myth ends up becoming self fulfilling as Developers don't get the opportunity to be more exposed to the business domain.
There's also the myth that end users cannot carry out any form of analysis out themselves. Most people now have PC's at home, Broadband Internet. I repeatedly come across end users who, when faced with a IS problem and no immediate solution, turn to customising Microsoft Office with VBA. IS professionals will, of course, "scoff" at this, but some of these solutions I've come across usually turn out to be quite smart given the limitations of the technology that's available to them.
The kinds of issues I've repeatedly seen with Business Analysis include:
- Lack of formal training and systems analysis skills with the Analysts
- Analysts having a lack of understanding of the capabilities of the technology and limitations of the architecture
- Non functional requirements not defined as these tend to need some level of architecture understanding
- Over analysis, or Analysis Paralysis, as it's often called
I don't believe that the Analyst role is dead, it just needs radically rethinking in the light of modern systems development.
I believe the key to improving the Analyst role is two fold:
Firstly get Analysts more cross trained in technical skills, not necessarily becoming proficient Developers, but gain an appreciation of current technologies and software development. Also ensure there have some level of formal systems analysis background to aid their "systems thinking" to eliciting business requirements.
Secondly, re-position the Analyst role to be one more focused on business change, process improvement, training and acting as a "champion" for the solution being built, rather than gathering and documenting requirements. I believe that this role is key to getting a solution deployed into an organisation and benefits realised from it.
If you want to find out more on this subject then I'd recommend an article on Agile Analysis by Scott Ambler.
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